Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Was Alexander Hamilton Black?

(Originally published 2.23.07 in the Hamilton College Spectator.)

In honor of Black History Month, I've decided to examine the evidence that our college's namesake was partially of African descent. I have searched the internet and received help and perspective from Professor Ambrose, Professor Rubino and John Guilbert, Executive Director, Nevis Historical & Conservation Society. I'll examine the ramifications of discrediting the assumption that Hamilton was European. Despite a biblical passage to the contrary, Jesus is often illustrated as Northern European. Cleopatra (from Egypt) was portrayed by the English born Elizabeth Taylor. Non-European figures have been "whitened" before. Below, I'll give a brief biography of Alexander Hamilton, focusing on the evidence that he may have had "black blood".

Hamilton was born as the illegitimate son of Rachel Fawcett Lavien on a Carribean island the size of the town of Kirkland called Nevis. His mother was divorced for infidelity long before Hamilton was born, casting question onto Hamilton's father. Some claim that it was James Hamilton, the man who lived with Rachel. Others claim it was Nicolas Cruger, a Carribean merchant with connections in New York who employed an eleven year old Alexander Hamilton after his alleged father left him and his mother died. Some claim that Hamilton's mother had affairs with her slaves. Additionally, many claim that Hamilton's mother was herself part black, newspapers record Hamilton being called a mustee (implying his mother was a quarter black) by political enemies. At fourteen, Hamilton was running Cruger's business. After attending a prep school in New Jersey and applying to an advanced program at Princeton, he was turned down only after an in person interview. At seventeen he began attending what would become Colombia University, only to drop out two years later to fight in the Revolutionary War. At twenty Hamilton was appointed lieutenant colonel and became very close with George Washington. After practicing law for a short period after the war was over, Hamilton became extremely instrumental in the ratification of the Constitution by writing most of the Federalist Papers and formed the Federalist party. Hamilton was perhaps the staunchest abolitionist of his time. He argued blacks were mentally equal to whites and that slaves could be competent soldiers. He supported the black led government in Haiti who overthrew the French. At thirty-two Hamilton was named the first Secretary of the treasury by Washington. After resigning due to a scandal, Hamilton became more involved in political rivalries that would eventually result in his death. John Adams called Hamilton a "creole bastard" and Abigail Adams who said "[Hamilton] was a vain, ambitious man aspiring to govern when it was his duty to submit". Hamilton received much criticism despite being so important in the foundation of this country. Hamilton's life was ended in 1804 by Aaron Burr, who received no punishment.

That's about all the evidence I could find. I imagine some people are convinced that Hamilton was black. Others may think I've offered little or no evidence at all. Remember, there's no proof that Hamilton was white. Nobody knows what race Hamilton, his political critics probably didn't and it's possible that Hamilton himself was never sure. Certainty could only be determined by a genetic test. Some people might argue that Hamilton's race doesn't matter. Clearly, race meant something during Hamilton's time. But even today people of try to accumulate long lists of great individuals of their own race so they can feel proud of their race, or sometimes so they can feel superior to other races. So Hamilton's race remains an uncertainty that is important for people.

What is certain is that Hamilton's achievements were important and affect us today. That he was born a soon to be orphaned bastard on a tiny island makes his life more incredible. So does the fact that he was brutally criticized, perhaps simply for being an outsider (all the important founding fathers were born in America) or perhaps because of his race. He was an important military, political and economic figure, he was one of the few who advocated treating an unfavorably viewed group as the equals. His struggle and achievements are similar and important to millions of African-Americans, regardless of whether he was of African descent. If anybody is looking for a person of African descent who was accepted among whites before abolition, I'd recommend investigating Benjamin Scott Moncrieffe who served as the treasurer of a colonial church union.

All of this begs the questions, why do we need African-American heroes to be African, and why do we need a Black History Month at all? Certainly blacks have faced terrible discrimination, but so have plenty of other groups. There wouldn't be enough months in the calendar to accommodate every group. How about we use the month of February to confront and eliminate our own prejudices so we can honestly say things like the race of Alexander Hamilton, or any other individual, doesn't mean anything.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more. It's ironic that by categorizing who we are we only divide ourselves even more. People should be congratulated by what they achieved not where they came from or what their genetic makeup is. The only way we will every remove prejudice is by appreciating the person that stands before us and not the race, religion, country that they came from.

JB said...

It is interesting that when whites can't successfully add to their race a person of accomplishment they retreat to the "why is the race of the individual important anyway?"

As for suggesting having a black month is needless, that is just another way for whites to continue manipulating history to make it seem their race was all that mattered to America's history.

If the white historians didn't lie so often about who did what in our history books, then maybe we wouldn't need a black history month. Presently the other 11 months are devoted to what white historians claim to be the contributions of white men to this country.

The only way we will ever remove prejudice is by revealing the lies that white historians have told about the history of America. i.e that Edison was the founder of inventions when he was actually a thief that stole the inventions of non whites who could not legally register a patent.

White history is full of lies promoting the white race as special. Without a second voice in the wilderness implying otherwise, their lies go unchallenged. That's the purpose of those whites that are quick to suggest that we don't need a month "dividing ourselves even more."

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that Negroids such as JB complain about historical figures not being black because he wants it to look like his devolved species invented everything.

You only say "white history is full of lies" because you want to claim every historical person and invention that you can. Black history is full of lies. But of course you say nothing about that because that is exactly what you people strive for is "fake history" so you people can be proud of something you didn't do.

The Rosa Parks story and Martin Luther King story are both lies. MLK was nothing but a plagiarist

Truth about Michael King


It's getting very tiring of you people repeating this shit over and over again without providing any evidence for your bullshit claims.

Thomas Edison didn't steal from non-whites he stole his inventions from Nicholas Tesla whom was another white man.

Whom were these non-whites that he stole from? Please do tell us because I'd love to know. You people didn't invent electricity, peanut butter, internet, phone, computer, etc you have nothing to do with any of these things.

They even had to lie and say that George Washington Carver invented peanut butter just to please you idiots. He had absolutely nothing to do with the invention of peanut butter.

I bet you still believe that George Washington Carver invented peanut butter.

The Aztecs actually were the inventors of peanut butter.

Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."

Alexander Hamilton was not black nor was he part black. He would have never been aloud to hold public office during those times if he was. George Washington sure as hell wouldn't have chosen him to be the 1st Secretary of the Treasury neither if he was.

Anybody with a brain knows that Alexander Hamilton wasn't black nor mulatto not even his grandson looks remotely black.

Allan McLane Hamilton


These same black revisionist claim that Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Warren G. Harding, Woodrow Wilson, etc are all black because they supposedly have a drop of black blood in them.

Black revisionism is the dumbest shit ever created. I swear every day a new bullshit myth arises. Tomorrow they'll be claiming George Washington was black/mulatto.

Anonymous said...

Alexander Hamilton was a white man. The fact that you said this couldn't be proven is ridiculous.

This recent "black blood" myth is very recent just like Thomas Jefferson's, Beethoven's, Abraham Lincoln's, etc.

Arguing with these black revisionist is like arguing with a wall.

No matter how much evidence you provide they'll just call you a liar until you believe their bullshit version of history.

Just like JB for example. Notice how he keeps saying white history is a lie and white historians lie without providing any evidence to prove so?

Where's his evidence of this? Where's his evidence of Thomas Edison stealing from non-whites?

I also love how he acts like their is so much blacks did between 1783 - 1865. In those times blacks were slaves and couldn't even hold any public office. Blacks couldn't even get into office until the late 1800's.

Haiti however Negroids could hold office however after the Negroids killed all the French Haiti went down hill just like every other black majority country.

Anonymous said...

Alexander's father was a Scotsman and his mother was a Danish/Jew so where does the black come in?

"Alexander Hamilton was born on the West Indian Island of Nevis. His father, of Scottish ancestry, remained in Scotland during Hamilton's childhood due to a debt, forcing his mother to rely on friends and relatives for financial support. Around the age of ten the family moved to the nearby island of St. Croix where his mother died soon after. Friends and relatives took an interest in the future of the young Hamilton by encouraging him to work as a mercantile clerk and to read and write, activities at which he excelled despite his lack of proper schooling. Hamilton's formal education began after Reverend Hugh Knox, a Presbyterian minister, gave a sermon so inspiring that Hamilton wrote a description of it for the Royal-Danish American Gazette. When a group of readers found out that the words were those of an under-privileged fifteen-year-old they decided to sponsor his way to the American Colonies to receive his first formal education."

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I believe that we in a society where cultural appropriation is accepted and encouraged. The erasure of prominent Black and Latino historical figures and their achievements to our society is overlooked.

Simple examples of cultural appropriation are:

1. Twerking in Russia (look it up!)
2. Marc Jacobs' recent "founding" of Bantu knots (look it up!)
3. The use of the term "YAS." (Check out Buzzfeed.)
4. The misuse of "Bae, Before All Else" (pronounced 'bay') This term is literally the short form of "Babe" and has been used by Blacks and Latinos for decades. Since when is it an acronym for "Before All Else?"

Race is important to Blacks and Latinos because we have been oppressed for hundreds of years because of our skin color, ethnicity, and culture. If you have never thought about your race a single day in your life, you are most likely White/Caucasian. As A Black/Latino male, I think about my race every day because some of the people I come in contact with make it an issue.

ananda from new york said...

that's a racist slur and u should be hanged by your neck until u die!
we do know that he was a jew, so you are an anti semite
shame on u
I am now calling on everyone to OPPOSE removing hamilton from $10 dollar bill
a jew, possibly black, an immigrant, washingtons aide de camp during revolution
at age 19, 1st secretary if treasury, felt that blacks should be treated as equals, when slavery was legal!!

ananda from new york said...

ananda again. he was aide de camp ay age 19
secretary of treasury in his mid twenties.
turned down nomination to be chief justice of supreme court
now congress wants to kick him off the $10 dollar bill
so we could say that Congress is st the very least anti semetic and possibly racist!

Anonymous said...

I've always said whitey's head will explode when truth is exposed. Racism is a genetic trait in the white race that permeates so deep that the racist can even begin to understand so why bother with him/her? Just die will ya and let the world become a better place.

Anonymous said...

No idea about Alexander Hamilton...but Cleopatra wasn't Egyptian...She's Greek, specifically from Macedonia.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of spewing, racist tripe on this comment thread! DNA testing should be mandatory in the good ol' bigoted US of A: when these self-righteous people see just how mixed race we all are, maybe they'll stop acting like such irredeemable savages.

Unknown said...


You Afro-revisionist thieves never quit do you?

First you idiots demonize the Founding Fathers, now you're claiming them?

The image of Alexander Hamilton that you're talking about depicts Hamilton as a pasty white man:

New York Public Library portrait by Charles Willson Peale:


Now you're claiming black royalty in Europe? Not only are you stealing history but you're stealing early 19th century history.

So now you were ruling in the 19th century? So where did all these mythical black people go?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

George Washington would have never chosen him to be United States Secretary of the Treasury if he was black.

Then again, you'd probably claim George Washington as black too.

Afro-Revisionism is a poison.

Unknown said...

@Anonymous (Jan 12, 2016)

What truth exactly? This post didn't prove that he was black.

It's just another stupid myth created on the internet.

Racism is a genetic trait? Where's your sources for this? I thought you black supremacist believed that race was a "social construct" made up by the evil white man?

Calling someone "racist" and then telling all white people to die makes you a hypocrite.

Unknown said...


Queen Charlotte's portrait:


Queen Charlotte in state robes by Allan Ramsay, 1761

"Scottish painter Allan Ramsay emphasized the Queen's alleged "mulatto" appearance in his portrait of her to support the anti-slave trade movement."

Queen Charlotte's daughter:

Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh

1856 daguerreotype of Princess Mary (seated far right). Sitting to her left are Queen Victoria and Princess Alice. Standing is the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII). Daguerreotype by Antoine Claudet


Unknown said...

@Anonymous (July 10, 2015)

There's no such thing as "cultural appropriation".

Twerking isn't apart of a culture, maybe slut culture but that's it.

Unknown said...

The demon seed genetically recessive blank or pink kind of man is the remnant of a the neanderthal. And that's the good part of this genetic make up... he is a evil,.. vile,...scavenging parasite on humanity... their is no where on earth that the demonic white kind of man has reared it's head where death and destruction doesn't follow. I say that in present tense because he is still the same pile of.shut he has always been. Trace your origins back to.your truth father who is Satan. Your have the same characteristics as a plague or virus ... and bring little to no good everywhere you go. Bit I don't blame you for.being a snake... that's your nature and probably a close relative. You operate on the same manner of a reptile... or a and octopus.... changing colors with rhetoric just to grasp something and devour it with your hidden beak. You are on your way out as a species so now you want to be advertised as a sex symbol to have gullible women of color fawn over you and have little parasitic offspring. This will never clean up your reptilian cold blood or make you a human being... you are a purposely flawed kind of man made as punishment t for the original people's of colour around the world... why are we punished with you.... cause some of man's nature...or the nature of some men are no different than you.... they just are too self centered to know it. I'll admit ... the devil designed you as a people after his own heart... very well.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Fuck you... you punk ass racist cracker... you lucky you can hide behind a computer vause you know you'd get you ass beat and stomped out in real life.... so keep up the bytch ass work... coward.

Anonymous said...

And you my dear, are young and white. When you are not a minority, it is hard to understand events like Black History month, etc. I do applaud your research, however.

Unknown said...

This article was ok, until you decided to drag Black history month into it. The fact of the matter is that Alexander Hamilton was not "Black" either as that term was understood in his day or today. He may very well have had Distant African ancestry, but not so much as to impact his social status as is shown by his welcome into the educational, political and social spheres reserved for

Unknown said...

Continuation - the Whites of his day. Despite the attempts of his adversaries to label him as "Black" that was not the social status that was attached to him . I am Black and will say that Black people need to stop calling all marginally Black people "Black". Alexander Hamilton did not have the social status of a Black person, did not live life as a Black person and, most Importantly, he did not identify as Black. The most that can be said is that he was an African descendant.
White people need to stop being hypocritical by trying to enforce the "One Drop Rule" when it's beneficial to Whites, th

Unknown said...

Continuation- then claiming that "race doesn't matter" when it comes to mixed race people they want to claim as their own. If race doesn't matter, then you shouldn't care if people say Hamilton was of Black ancestry.
If you are a White person in this country and you truly don't understand why there is a Black history month, you are truly a wretched human, especially if you are college educated.

Unknown said...

Continuation- You are also unbearably ungrateful. There is a Black History month because Black labor was exploited for the purpose of creating the wealth that made this country possible. There is a Black history month so that people REMEMBER the contributions made by Blacks to the foundation and formation of this country. You have people on this thread who eagerly disregard the contributions of Black people ignoring entirely the fact that the good life they have in this land is only possible due to the enslavement of Black people and the free wealth it generated in the 17th century forward to today. For this same reason, there should also be aNatove American history month.

Unknown said...

To the author of this post- stop being an ignoramus and an ingrate.

Unknown said...

You have deep seeded issues.

TRUTH said...

White people are becoming afraid because the Internet is a way for Black people to find out about there history,because it damn sure wasn't taught in those lying ass white history books. they want people to think that they did and invented everything and its all a bunch of lies they wanted us to believe that Egyptians were white knowing Egypt is in AFRICA. now that there is DNA proof they still try to come up with some other excuse. they haven't invented anything but Lies.And back to The asshole that thinks Thomas Edison invented electricity.Electricity was being used in Egypt when they were painting on concrete telling there story on the walls. they try to show you them carry these flamed torches as air tight as those pyramids are that black smoke would of choked the shit out of them. Just realize that Blacks were hear first on this planet in AFRICA.white people come from Europe cold caves in the Secorkis Mountains. Don't be mad and don't be afraid because we're finding out the TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

"their is no where on earth that the demonic white kind of man has reared it's head where death and destruction doesn't follow."

Funny how if you look at murder rates in various countries, the countries that have the fewest number of non-whites have the highest murder rates. Feel free to look up the facts on that. White people don't murder each other nearly as much as African/Latino/Arabs. So to make the statement about the "demonic white kind of man" causing death and destruction is just ignorance, plain and simple.

Another simple fact, Slavery didn't start with whites enslaving blacks. Egyptians enslaving Hebrews anyone? Muslims enslaving non-muslims? It's something that happened throughout history. It's how things were done, not saying it's how it should be, eventually we evolve and move from that behavior, but then again, maybe people should evolve and stop killing each other?

Dallas Denny said...

I might take some of the commenters more seriously if they were able to spell or at least master Google search. Sekoris mountains? It's instead of its?

nicole'sblog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nicole'sblog said...

You are correct about Cleopatra. After I read that, at the very beginning of this article, I lost and faith of this being a reliable source!

nicole'sblog said...


nicole'sblog said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Michael Brown,

You silly little black supremacist, do you even understand what the word "species" means?

Definition: a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g., Homo sapiens.

I also find it cute that you made other fake accounts to insult me. "claps hands"

You want to talk about Neanderthals?

How about we talk about Homo-Floresiensis, Homo-Erectus, or the Homo-Heidelbergensis? You know, the species Africans such as yourself derive from?







The Neanderthals migrated from Africa 350,000 years ago and went extinct 40,000 years ago.

Everybody out of Africa has up to 1-4% of Neanderthal DNA in them.

Here's a video of Africans bathing in cow urine:


Africa cave dwellers:


Liberian cannibals:


If you want to see savages I suggest you go to the Congo, Liberia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, etc.

Unknown said...


Why do you Afro-revisionist never provide any evidence to prove your ridiculous claims? Is it because you don't any?

Where's your evidence that Egypt had electricity in the B.C era?

We haven't invented anything but lies? That's hilarious! You Afro-revisionist are the ones whom think you've invented everything.

I also love you say that when most social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter were created by white men. Including the cell phone (Martin Cooper), Car, Puffer Jacket(Eddie Bauer), Video game consoles(Ralph H. Baer), etc.

Car inventors:

In 1768, the first steam powered automobile capable of human transportation was built by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot.

In 1807, François Isaac de Rivaz designed the first car powered by an internal combustion engine fueled by hydrogen.

In 1886 the first petrol or gasoline powered automobile the Benz Patent-Motorwagen was invented by Karl Benz.

Let me get this one out the way,

Henry Sampson co-invented the "gamma-electric cell" in 1971. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the cell phone.

I had to say that before some Afro-revisionist mentions that ridiculous nonsense.

You didn't even invent peanut butter.

Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."

George Washington Carver didn't invent anything.

All because something is on the "internet" doesn't make it true.

Whites come from caves? That's why your people are still dwelling in the Nuba Mountains right?

Nuba Mountains (Black cave dwellers):


Unknown said...

@Michael Brown

Making petty threats over the internet doesn't make you look hard.


Calling someone "cracker, savages, Neanderthals, etc" kind of makes you look like an idiot.

Unknown said...

@Sandra Kalon

Nobody of his day ever tried to label him as black or Creole.

These are nothing but modern myths that were created on the internet. They did the same exact thing with Abraham Lincoln, Warren G. Harding, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Calvin Coolidge, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and John Hanson.

Don't believe me? Look up each of these men.

Alexander Hamilton was born in and spent part of his childhood in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial British and partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire.

Where does this so called "blackness" come in?

His father was a Scotsman and his mother was English/French.

Why did George Washington choose him to be Secretary of the Treasury?

"President George Washington appointed Hamilton as the first United States Secretary of the Treasury on September 11, 1789."

You know damn well that wouldn't have happened at that time.

Why are Alexander Hamilton's children and grand children white?

John Hanson myths:


As for this so called "Black History Month" I think it needs to be put to an end.

I think I've seen enough afro-revisionism.

Soon these idiots will be claiming George Washington and all the rest of the founders.

Anonymous said...

Can you make a bibliography? Just because he opposed slavery and "fought" for the blacks, does not mean that he is black. I am in a brief debating with someone and I want some evidence that I could present. This article was very helpful.

Crystal Marie said...

it is easy to say "Why does the race of a person matter" when there are many people of a specific race who have over 40 presidents and leaders to look to within their race.

Moreover, while many peoples in America have been marginalized, African-Americans were singularly and systematically disenfranchised and persecutes (See the 3/5th compromise, countless black codes, Jim Crow law, and etc.) Since America's inception, and even before then, African-Americans suffered a cruelly unique fate.

if Alexander Hamilton was indeed African-American, it would certainly be of note to a people whose ancestors were primarily slaves during America's early history, not leading politicians and founding fathers.

To dismiss that is at best, careless and shortsighted.

Anonymous said...

Dear racist white people ...News flash we are all black and all of our descendants are from Africa. And (just like global warming) this has been scientifically proven. (I'm sure the white people that conducted the test verified it a million times.) Even if a person was as much as half black it is still very possible to have fair skin, light eyes and yellow hair. Furthermore, we (black people) don't want Alexander Hamilton's pale ass. He is all yours.

We could all use less hate and more spell check.

Unknown said...

@Crystal Marie

If he was indeed African-American?

How many times do I have to repeat this? He's not black! You idiots can't even provide any evidence to back up your ridiculous claims.

Do you people do any research?

His mother: "Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial British and partial French Huguenot descent"

"Huguenot History. The Huguenots were French Protestants. The tide of the Reformation reached France early in the sixteenth century and was part of the religious and political fomentation of the times."

His father: "James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire."

Alexander Hamilton was born in and spent part of his childhood in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial British and partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange,

Portraits and busts made during his lifetime:

New York Public Library portrait by Charles Willson Peale:


Alexander Hamilton portrait by John Trumbull 1806:



Marble bust of Alexander Hamilton by Giuseppe Ceracchi (1794):


Unknown said...

@Anonymous Who are you talking to?

We are not "all black" we are all descendants from Africans that migrated out of Africa thousands of years ago. Don't lie, you guys want to claim every prominent figure. This blog and half of the Afrocentric morons on here prove it.

This won't be the last Founding Father Afro-revisionist claim.

You morons are already claiming other historical figures such as: Abraham Lincoln, Warren G. Harding, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Calvin Coolidge, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and John Hanson.

Soon they'll be claiming John F. Kennedy as black. I mean they're already claiming that his wife Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was the first black lady because she supposedly had black blood in her. This of course has been debunked already.

Here's that ridiculous article:


Unknown said...

Alexander Hamilton's children and grandchildren were also white.

His children:

John Church Hamilton (August 22, 1792 − July 25, 1882) was the fourth son, fifth child of the founding father Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler.



Alexander Hamilton Jr.(May 16, 1786 - August 2, 1875)[1] was the third child and the second son of Alexander Hamilton. He graduated from Columbia University, several weeks after his father was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr in 1804. He was invited to be an apprentice attorney in Stephen Higginson's Boston law firm and later became a lawyer.

(He can be found on the 1860's, and 1870's U.S census)

William S. Hamilton William Stephen Hamilton (August 4, 1797 – October 9, 1850), a son of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, was a politician and miner who lived much of his life in the U.S. state of Illinois and territorial Wisconsin. Hamilton was born in New York, where he attended the United States Military Academy before he resigned and moved to Illinois in 1817. In Illinois he lived in Springfield and Peoria and eventually migrated to the lead-mining region of southern Wisconsin and established Hamilton's Diggings at present-day Wiota. Hamilton served in various political offices and as a commander in two Midwest Indian Wars. In 1849 he moved to California on the heels of the California Gold Rush. He died in Sacramento, most likely of cholera, in October 1850.



Schuyler Hamilton (July 22, 1822 – March 18, 1903) was an American soldier, a grandson of Alexander Hamilton.



Elizabeth Hamilton Cullum (February 9, 1831 - September 15, 1884)

Alexander Hamilton's Grandaughter. Married both Union Generals Henry Halleck and George W. Cullum.


Great-Grandson of Alexander Hamilton:

Alexander Hamilton (September 9, 1847 – June 3, 1928) was an Episcopal priest and great grandson of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.He was the rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Weston, Connecticut by 1893; St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Woodbury, Connecticut by 1915; and Christ Church in Westport, Connecticut until he retired in 1920. Hamilton was the chaplain for the Society of the Cincinnati and the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the Revolution. He was also a member of the Advisory Council for the Daughters of the Cincinnati.


You can also find these people on the U.S census.

bklynbasedellie said...

My white family was almost sent to the West Indies in 1709. We refused to go and the English eventually sent us to The Colonies in 1710. People assume he was black because he came from the West Indies but that isn't necessarily true. HIs home in Harlem is no indication of his being black either. I went there in the 1980's after a class at CCNY because I love History and all it had were a few pieces of furniture. I guess most of it was stolen from his home over the years.

bklynbasedellie said...

Whites were indentured servants and often treated worse than black slaves because a slave was property for life, therefor worth something to the owner. White indentured servants were only valuable for the time they were indentured and therefore often worked harder than the blacks because the person hiring them
didn't care what happened to them after the time they served.

Unknown said...

Alexander Hamilton's children and grandchildren were also white.

His children:

John Church Hamilton (August 22, 1792 − July 25, 1882) was the fourth son, fifth child of the founding father Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler.



Alexander Hamilton Jr.(May 16, 1786 - August 2, 1875)[1] was the third child and the second son of Alexander Hamilton. He graduated from Columbia University, several weeks after his father was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr in 1804. He was invited to be an apprentice attorney in Stephen Higginson's Boston law firm and later became a lawyer.

(He can be found on the 1860's, and 1870's U.S census)

William S. Hamilton William Stephen Hamilton (August 4, 1797 – October 9, 1850), a son of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, was a politician and miner who lived much of his life in the U.S. state of Illinois and territorial Wisconsin. Hamilton was born in New York, where he attended the United States Military Academy before he resigned and moved to Illinois in 1817. In Illinois he lived in Springfield and Peoria and eventually migrated to the lead-mining region of southern Wisconsin and established Hamilton's Diggings at present-day Wiota. Hamilton served in various political offices and as a commander in two Midwest Indian Wars. In 1849 he moved to California on the heels of the California Gold Rush. He died in Sacramento, most likely of cholera, in October 1850.



Schuyler Hamilton (July 22, 1822 – March 18, 1903) was an American soldier, a grandson of Alexander Hamilton.



Elizabeth Hamilton Cullum (February 9, 1831 - September 15, 1884)

Alexander Hamilton's Grandaughter. Married both Union Generals Henry Halleck and George W. Cullum.


Great-Grandson of Alexander Hamilton:

Alexander Hamilton (September 9, 1847 – June 3, 1928) was an Episcopal priest and great grandson of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.He was the rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Weston, Connecticut by 1893; St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Woodbury, Connecticut by 1915; and Christ Church in Westport, Connecticut until he retired in 1920. Hamilton was the chaplain for the Society of the Cincinnati and the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the Revolution. He was also a member of the Advisory Council for the Daughters of the Cincinnati.


You can also find these people on the U.S census.

Unknown said...


Yeah many Scottish, Irish, and even Englishmen were sent to the West Indies as slaves/indentured servants.

Sadly, many of them are forgotten and everyone assumes that all the slaves in the West Indies were black. They even assume that in the United States that all of the slaves were black. This is a lie that I cannot stand because it is far from the truth.

If you look at the 1790-1860 census you'll see "Free Whites". Why was that on the U.S census if there were no white slaves?

There are still descendants of Scottish slaves residing in Barbados till this day.

White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America


All-American Voltron said...

I'm sorry I don't believe for a second that Alexander Hamilton was white and I don't believe Thomas Jefferson had romantic love affairs with slaves. I think people are romanticizing about Hamilton to justify the Broadway Musical by making Alexander Hamilton way cooler than he actually was. While others like to fantasize that Thomas Jefferson actually loved Black people and had a passionate love affair with one along with a secret forbidden marriage, what makes a lot more sense is that Jefferson was a slave owner like everyone else in his day who took female slaves by force, again like everyone else in that day. Just accept the Founding Fathers for what they were and people should stop trying to put them on a pedastal...

All-American Voltron said...

edit: "I don't believe for a second that Alexander Hamilton was part Black ..."

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that many white people believe that black people never accomplished anything in this world other than poisoned spears and darts.

Why such adamant denial? It seems to be based on fear that the black people might come to view themselves as equal -- or even superior -- to whites. The white fear is palpable. It is visible. And it cannot be hidden behind outlandish comments designed to craft a belief that the white race is superior to every other, no matter what any other race might accomplish. The whites can always steal the inventions of others and concoct falsities in their history books with ease in order to fill innocent young minds with lies. (Remember the Indians?)

What kind of "people" wear dunce hats and sheets like cheap (and unimaginative) halloween costumes as a cowardly way to promote anonymity and hatred?

What is the word that describes a group of people who believe that everyone who is not like them is inferior? Is it Condescending, Egotistical, Arrogant? Delusional? Possesed of self-riteous and unfounded hubris? Maybe just stupid beyond repair?

Theft, intimidation, murder and lies are not the weapons of the ritious and good. They are the weapons of evil and fear in abundance within cowards.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

He was not black. He was mixed race. The sad truth is that if he didn't look white back then he wouldn't have been able to accomplish all that he did because of how few rights non whites had back then.

Anonymous said...

Alexander Hamilton & Benjamin Franklin both helped found the New York Manumission Society. Thomas Jefferson tried to push several pieces of legislation in Virginia that were against slavery. He hoped he could convince his state to support legislation to allow new states coming into the union to be free states. He wanted to at least enact some kind of a date that any person born to a slave would no longer be a slave. He supported stopping the import of new slaves. But he was a slave owner, yes. Jefferson had a lot of dealings with France during the Revolutionary War & was in a lot of debt to them. I would suspect he felt he couldn't actually free his own over his debts. The founders knew that ending slavery outright would've destroyed the new nation they started. John Adams actually was against slavery as well. He knew the words "all men are created equal" would have little meaning to a big class of people. His son, John Quincy Adams, also was an abolitionist. George Washington grew to abhor the institution of slavery. He wrote in one letter that he wanted it to end in imperceptible degrees; again probably to avoid destroying the entire economy. He wrote in his will that he wanted his slaves freed after the death of his wife; probably to make sure she was cared for in her old age. Washington invited Phillis Wheatley to his home. She was the first African American woman to have her poetry published. Alexander Hamilton supported the 1st national bank. Americans had already experienced the hyperinflation of the Continental dollar. They knew what would happen if a currency was inflated to the point that people lost their savings. Jefferson was adamantly against a central bank; I would suspect Adams was as well. Most of the founders were against one. Andrew Jackson allowed the charter of the 2nd national bank to lapse. He also understood the dangers of a central bank manipulating a currency. He was a child during the Revolutionary War; was struck in the face by a sword by a British soldier during the Waxhaw murders. I'm sure he heard a lot about the death of the Continental dollar. Both Jefferson & Jackson had a strong understanding of this. When you said John Adams called Hamilton a "creole bastard", I am curious as to the whole conversation of why he said that. Most of the founders did not agree with Hamilton's stance on a central bank. The current central bank, the Federal Reserve, started in 1913 and has been the most destructive entity to our currency. The dangers Jefferson and Jackson wrote about central banks is true. They print money to make loans for profit without really any care as to who is going to be effected by it. They loan money for wars, corruption, etc. The U.S. dollar was only worth 2 cents of it's original worth in October, 2012. Since the dollar is backed by nothing, the bank's money-printing continually destroys it. Eventually, it will be completely destroyed & everyone will pay. I wouldn't be surprised if those founders that understood that had strong differences with Alexander Hamilton. You mention no punishment for Aaron Burr killing Hamilton. They dueled which was a combat with agreed upon rules. It wasn't legal but the practice was still used to restore one's honor. Alexander Hamilton had been challenged to almost a dozen duels by then but had avoided violence. Even Abraham Lincoln met for a duel with Illinois state auditor, James Shields, but they were convinced not to do it by their seconds. I'll just end by saying I'm not a huge fan of Hamilton due to his support of a national bank when he surely knew the dangers it would do to a currency, affecting all people.

Anonymous said...

We do have DNA to prove such claims. Simply, all the United States of America has to do is have a DNA test performed on his remains.

Anonymous said...

We do have DNA to prove such claims. Simply, all the United States of America has to do is have a DNA test performed on his remains.

Unknown said...

The first person to hold office of "president" was actually a black man.....and this wade closed by a white man, on Fox New #mindblown

Anonymous said...

Blacks rewrite history.

Asmith said...

George Washington was not credited with inventing Peanut Butter. He was a very popular Botanist that aided in finding more uses for the peanut and sweet potatoes as cash crops. It help poor families. Also peanuts are an African crop as well as yams. No one will ever claim that President George Washington was black because he was a merciless slave owner. Thomas Jefferson is not Black he has black children and his wish HD half black siblings because her father raped his slaves. Abraham Lincoln was a muleogeon. And blacks passed all the time to succeed in America because the 1 drop black rule, slavery and Segregation made life very hard for anyone with 34th of black blood to live freely.
But you have now proven why it is so important for Black History in America to be known. You are extremely prejudice.

Asmith said...

Even though Cleopatra sister'site DNA is African. It is very complicated because supposedly certain Pharoah did not have royal children by Africans.

Asmith said...

I am 40 years old. My mother was a teachEric with a master'suite degree.I've been around long enough to have seen many lies exposed and many truths covered up. Every educated black person has alwaysknown that Alexander Hamilton was black, before the internet. I know I knew that.

Anonymous said...

One of Alexander Hamiltons' grandmothers so it is taught in schools in the USVI was a Black woman. It is also an accepted fact in that part of the world that he also fathered at least one child with a Black woman before coming to America.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rachel R. said...

Good grief. Not only are there an awful lot of bigots commenting here; there are an awful lot of flat-out ignorant folks commenting. The person saying that Hamilton's grandson "doesn't look black" clearly doesn't understand how genetics works, because that isn't proof of anything (other than probable evidence that the entire ancestry there wasn't 100% black). And whoever is talking about George Washington and peanuts...George Washington CARVER was the peanut researcher. Those are two different people. The historical evidence doesn't seem to be completely clear that Hamilton was or was not black, but it certainly isn't impossible. It's actually highly probable he was of mixed ancestry, given where he was born and raised.

I have to agree with the author here, though, that it ultimately doesn't matter. Of course we shouldn't be hiding people's ancestry, but when it's sufficiently uncertain that everyone is making an educated guess, we'd do well to remember that how someone lives his life and the contributions he makes are much more important than the color of his skin. Too bad we still haven't arrived at that day Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of.

Anonymous said...

To James Brown: Good God, man... are you color blind? Hamilton is WHITE, bro! And so is Aaron Burr, Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, James Madison, John Adams, John F. Kennedy AND his first lady, George Washington and all the other Founding Fathers. There are PLENTY of African Americans in American history, I promise you. For example, Frederick Douglass is a great example of an African American in American history, as is Harriet Tubman!

So please, calm down, and get your facts straight. This is America. Honor the Founding Fathers and our TRUE history.


Unknown said...

To William Littles:

Yeah, I'd love for them to do a DNA test, just so you idiots can cry about it. You'd just claim that they're false and still claim him as black. So it would all be pretty pointless. I think the portraits/census records of his children, are enough proof that he was a white man.

Let me re-post:

Alexander Hamilton was born in and spent part of his childhood in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial British and partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire.

Where does this so called "blackness" come in?

His father was a Scotsman and his mother was English/French.

Alexander Hamilton's children and grandchildren were also white.

His children:

John Church Hamilton (August 22, 1792 − July 25, 1882) was the fourth son, fifth child of the founding father Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler.



Alexander Hamilton Jr.(May 16, 1786 - August 2, 1875)[1] was the third child and the second son of Alexander Hamilton. He graduated from Columbia University, several weeks after his father was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr in 1804. He was invited to be an apprentice attorney in Stephen Higginson's Boston law firm and later became a lawyer.

(He can be found on the 1860's, and 1870's U.S census)

William S. Hamilton William Stephen Hamilton (August 4, 1797 – October 9, 1850), a son of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, was a politician and miner who lived much of his life in the U.S. state of Illinois and territorial Wisconsin. Hamilton was born in New York, where he attended the United States Military Academy before he resigned and moved to Illinois in 1817. In Illinois he lived in Springfield and Peoria and eventually migrated to the lead-mining region of southern Wisconsin and established Hamilton's Diggings at present-day Wiota. Hamilton served in various political offices and as a commander in two Midwest Indian Wars. In 1849 he moved to California on the heels of the California Gold Rush. He died in Sacramento, most likely of cholera, in October 1850.



Schuyler Hamilton (July 22, 1822 – March 18, 1903) was an American soldier, a grandson of Alexander Hamilton.



Elizabeth Hamilton Cullum (February 9, 1831 - September 15, 1884)

Alexander Hamilton's Grandaughter. Married both Union Generals Henry Halleck and George W. Cullum.


Great-Grandson of Alexander Hamilton:

Alexander Hamilton (September 9, 1847 – June 3, 1928) was an Episcopal priest and great grandson of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.He was the rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Weston, Connecticut by 1893; St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Woodbury, Connecticut by 1915; and Christ Church in Westport, Connecticut until he retired in 1920. Hamilton was the chaplain for the Society of the Cincinnati and the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the Revolution. He was also a member of the Advisory Council for the Daughters of the Cincinnati.


You can also find these people on the U.S census.

Unknown said...

To Nikkie Mayo:

Who was this so called black president? Let me guess! John Hanson? The myth that has been debunked a million times?

President John Hanson Myths Debunked:


The 19th century Liberian senator John Hanson (unknown-1860) who was black is often confused with the 18th century John Hanson (1721-1783) who was white.

The picture of the black man depicted by Innis is actually a daguerreotype of Liberian Senator John Hanson from Grand Bassa County who, in the 19th Century, championed the relocation of slaves to Liberia.

Liberian senator John Hanson:


Finally, camera photography of any sort, let alone a 19th Century Copper adorned daguerreotype was not invented in President Hanson’s lifetime which ended, according to the Maryland State Archivist, on November 15, 1783. Any photograph, therefore, of the former President in his lifetime is a physical impossibility.

The two dollar bill myth:

John Hanson was elected to the U.S. Continental Congress in 1779 but did not take his seat until 1780. He, therefore, was not present on August 2, 1776, when the delegates assembled at Independence Hall to sign the engrossed copy of the Declaration of Independence. Additionally, George Walton of Georgia -- the Declaration of Independence signer that Mr. Innis circles as the Moor John Hanson -- was a slave owner and not black. Moreover John Hanson's letters as President are filled with slave-owner content. For example, in February of 1782, he wrote home to his family regarding his business affairs that included, sadly, the sale of slaves:

I have not the least inclination to purchase Mr. Bowles's Hand. Sally I am persuaded will be very easy without him-if she wants to be sold I have no objection to let Mr. Bowles have her, at £100 (not less). Bond on Interest for the money will do. I observe Mr. Lee, Mr. Addison, and J Hanson, have advertised their Negroes for Sale. I was surprised at it. I did not know the motive, and wish their plan may Succeed.

Furthermore, after Hanson’s death in 1783 his will listed, among other possessions, 11 slaves as his personal property.

Unknown said...

To Asmith:

Peanut butter was never an African crop:

Peanut Butter:

George Washington Carver (who began his peanut research in 1903)? Nope.

Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."

Cleopatra was also not African, she was Macedonian.

Your mother's a teacher and you're forty years old. Who care's? You're clearly a moron, whom knows nothing but revisionist history.

You stated that Alexander Hamilton was black while providing absolutely no evidence.

Unknown said...

To Anonymous (July 30, 2016)

The USVI does not teach that garbage don't lie.

Even if they did they would be teaching a myth.

Who was this mythical black woman he fathered a child with? Who is this child?

You idiots seem to create a new myth everyday. Why can't you ever provide the names of these women/children or any evidence at all?

Let me re-post:

Alexander Hamilton was born in and spent part of his childhood in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial British and partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire.

Where does this so called "blackness" come in?

His father was a Scotsman and his mother was English/French.

Alexander Hamilton's children and grandchildren were also white.

His children:

John Church Hamilton (August 22, 1792 − July 25, 1882) was the fourth son, fifth child of the founding father Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler.



Alexander Hamilton Jr.(May 16, 1786 - August 2, 1875)[1] was the third child and the second son of Alexander Hamilton. He graduated from Columbia University, several weeks after his father was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr in 1804. He was invited to be an apprentice attorney in Stephen Higginson's Boston law firm and later became a lawyer.

(He can be found on the 1860's, and 1870's U.S census)

William S. Hamilton William Stephen Hamilton (August 4, 1797 – October 9, 1850), a son of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, was a politician and miner who lived much of his life in the U.S. state of Illinois and territorial Wisconsin. Hamilton was born in New York, where he attended the United States Military Academy before he resigned and moved to Illinois in 1817. In Illinois he lived in Springfield and Peoria and eventually migrated to the lead-mining region of southern Wisconsin and established Hamilton's Diggings at present-day Wiota. Hamilton served in various political offices and as a commander in two Midwest Indian Wars. In 1849 he moved to California on the heels of the California Gold Rush. He died in Sacramento, most likely of cholera, in October 1850.



Schuyler Hamilton (July 22, 1822 – March 18, 1903) was an American soldier, a grandson of Alexander Hamilton.



Elizabeth Hamilton Cullum (February 9, 1831 - September 15, 1884)

Alexander Hamilton's Grandaughter. Married both Union Generals Henry Halleck and George W. Cullum.


Great-Grandson of Alexander Hamilton:

Alexander Hamilton (September 9, 1847 – June 3, 1928) was an Episcopal priest and great grandson of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.He was the rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Weston, Connecticut by 1893; St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Woodbury, Connecticut by 1915; and Christ Church in Westport, Connecticut until he retired in 1920. Hamilton was the chaplain for the Society of the Cincinnati and the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the Revolution. He was also a member of the Advisory Council for the Daughters of the Cincinnati.


You can also find these people on the U.S census.

Unknown said...

To Rachel R.:

Yeah, that's some compelling evidence you've got their.

Alexander Hamilton's grandson nor does his children look 1% black, what's your point?

You've provided absolutely no evidence at all.

His children John Church Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton Jr., William Stephen Hamilton, etc were all classified as white on the U.S census. Their images also clearly depict them as white.

Alexander Hamilton's grandson Schuyler Hamilton (July 22, 1822 – March 18, 1903) looks exactly like his grandfather.

Alexander Hamilton was born in and spent part of his childhood in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial British and partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire.

Where does this so called "blackness" come in?

His father was a Scotsman and his mother was English/French.

He was also chosen by George Washington to be his first U.S Secretary of the Treasury and we all know George Washington wouldn't have chosen him if he was even partially black.

Secretary of the Treasury:

President George Washington appointed Hamilton as the first United States Secretary of the Treasury on September 11, 1789. He left office on the last day of January 1795. Much of the structure of the government of the United States was worked out in those five years, beginning with the structure and function of the cabinet itself. Biographer Forrest McDonald argues that Hamilton saw his office, like that of the British First Lord of the Treasury, as the equivalent of a Prime Minister; Hamilton would oversee his colleagues under the elective reign of George Washington. Washington did request Hamilton's advice and assistance on matters outside the purview of the Treasury Department. In 1791, while Secretary, Hamilton was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Hamilton submitted various financial reports to Congress. Among these are the First Report on the Public Credit, Operations of the Act Laying Duties on Imports, Report on a National Bank, On the Establishment of a Mint, Report on Manufactures, and the Report on a Plan for the Further Support of Public Credit. So, the great enterprise in Hamilton's project of an administrative republic is the establishment of stability.

Unknown said...

To Rachel R.:

George Washington on black slavery:

April 12, 1786, to Robert Morris:

"I hope it will not be conceived, from these observations, that it is my wish to hold the unhappy people who are the subject of this letter in slavery. I can only say, that there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it."

Sep. 9, 1786, to John F. Mercer:

"I never mean unless some particular circumstance should compel me to it, to possess another slave by purchase, it being among my first wishes to see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country may be abolished by law."

To Sir John Sinclair, 11th December, 1796:

"The present prices of lands in Pennsylvania are higher than they are in Maryland and Virginia, although they are not of superior quality; (among other reasons) because there are laws here for the gradual abolition of slavery, which neither of the two States above mentioned have at present, but which nothing is more certain than they must have, and at a period not remote."

The 5th of February, 1783, Lafayette writes:

"Now, my dear General, that you are going to enjoy some ease and quiet, permit me to propose a plan to you, which might become greatly beneficial to the black part of mankind. Let us unite in purchasing a small estate, where we may try the experiment to free the negroes, and use them only as tenants. Such an example as yours might render it a general practice; and, if we succeed in America, I will cheerfully devote a part of my time to render the method fashionable in the West Indies. If it be a wild scheme, I had rather be mad in this way, than to be thought wise in the other task."--Correspondence of the American Revolution,vol. iii, p. 547.

To this letter Washington replies, April 5th, 1783:

"The scheme, my dear Marquis, which you propose as a precedent to encourage the emancipation of the black people in this country from that state of bondage in which they are held, is a striking evidence of the benevolence of your heart. I shall be happy to join you in so laudable a work, but will defer going into a detail of the business till I have the pleasure of seeing you."--Sparks' Washington, vol. viii., p. 441, 415.

"Mount Vernon, 10th May, 1786.

"The benevolence of your heart, my dear Marquis, is so conspicuous upon all occasions, that I never wonder at any fresh proofs of it; but your late purchase of an estate in the colony of Cayenne, with a view of emancipating the slaves on it, is a generous and noble proof of your humanity. Would to God a like spirit might diffuse itself generally into the minds of the people of this country! but I despair of seeing it. Some petitions were presented to the Assembly, at its last session, for the abolition of slavery; but they could scarcely obtain a reading. To set the slaves afloat at once would, I really believe, be productive of much inconvenience and mischief, but by degrees it certainly might, and assuredly ought to be effected, and that, too, by legislative authority."

George Washington punished runaway black slaves:


1774: Washington said new British laws would make Americans "as tame and abject slaves as the blacks we rule over with such arbitrary sway."

Approx 1794: One of Washington’s slaves died: “I hope every necessary care and attention was afforded him. I expect little from (Overseer) McKoy, or indeed from most of his class, for they seem to consider a Negro much in the same light as they do the brute beasts on the farms, and often treat them as inhumanely.”

Unknown said...

To Rachel R.:

James Madison:

Words from James Madison

1789: "Establishing a Settlement of freed blacks on the Coast of Africa... might prove a great encouragement tom manumission in the Southern parts of the U.S. and even afford the best hope yet presented of putting an end to the slavery in which not less than 600,000 unhappy Negroes are now involved. In all the Southern States of N. America, the laws permit masters, under certain precautions to manumit their slaves. But the continuance of such a permission in some of the States is rendered precarious by the ill effects suffered from freedmen who retain the vices and habits of slaves. The same consideration becomes an objection with many humane masters against an exertion of their legal rights of freeing their slaves. It is found in fact that neither the good of the Society, nor the happiness of the individuals restored to freedom is promoted by such a change in their condition."(Madison.1999 p472-3)

1819: "A general emancipation of slaves ought to be 1. gradual. 2. equitable & satisfactory to the individuals immediately concerned. 3. consistent with the existing & durable prejudices of the nation... To be consistent with existing and probably unalterable prejudices in the U.S. freed blacks ought to be permanently removed beyond the region occupied by or allotted to a White population." (Madison.1999,p729)

Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1780.

Yours of the 18th came yesterday. I am glad to find the Legislature persist in their resolution to recruit their line of the army for the war; though without deciding on the expediency of the mode under their consideration, would it not be as well to liberate and make soldiers at once of the blacks themselves, as to make them instruments for enlisting white soldiers? It would certainly be more consonant with the principles of liberty, which ought never to be lost sight of in a contest for liberty.

Words from James Monroe

1802: The government considered sending insurgent slaves to Sierra Leone. Governor Monroe discovered that under the law of Sierra Leone the slaves would be free as soon as they arrived. "Still I am persuaded that such was not the intention of the Legislature, as it would put culprits in a better condition than the deserving part of those people. The ancestors of the present Negroes were brought from Africa and sold here as slaves, they and their descendants forever. If we send back any of the race subject to a temporary servitude with liberty to their descendants will not the policy be mild and benevolent?" (Monroe. v3, p 352-353.)

The Founding Fathers clearly hated black people, I doubt that they'd choose them as their Secretary of the Treasury.

Martin Luther King Jr. (Michael King Jr.) was a plagiarist:

"While working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree at Boston University, he heavily plagiarized from another author who had done research on a subject similar to King's. As academic committee later found that over half of King's work was plagiarized, yet would not revoke his doctrine. King was dead by this time, and the committee ruled that revoking the title would serve no purpose. It was also discovered that King's famous I HAVE A DREAM speech was also not his own. He stole it from a sermon by Archibald Carey, a popular black preacher in the 1950's."

Unknown said...

They would if they were ambiguous about his race. History has a record of African-Americans who "passed" as white unbeknownst to them.

Unknown said...

oh dear I did not realize this was a racist blog. I will excuse myself from it.

Unknown said...

To Yvonne Jackson:

Yeah, please excuse yourself, because you clearly didn't read or do any research about Hamilton at all.

Did you even bother to read the letters I have presented from Washington, Madison, Monroe, Morris, etc.? Washington would've never chosen him to be his secretary of the treasury.

George Washington on black slavery:

April 12, 1786, to Robert Morris:

"I hope it will not be conceived, from these observations, that it is my wish to hold the unhappy people who are the subject of this letter in slavery. I can only say, that there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it."

Sep. 9, 1786, to John F. Mercer:

"I never mean unless some particular circumstance should compel me to it, to possess another slave by purchase, it being among my first wishes to see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country may be abolished by law."

To Sir John Sinclair, 11th December, 1796:

"The present prices of lands in Pennsylvania are higher than they are in Maryland and Virginia, although they are not of superior quality; (among other reasons) because there are laws here for the gradual abolition of slavery, which neither of the two States above mentioned have at present, but which nothing is more certain than they must have, and at a period not remote."

The 5th of February, 1783, Lafayette writes:

"Now, my dear General, that you are going to enjoy some ease and quiet, permit me to propose a plan to you, which might become greatly beneficial to the black part of mankind. Let us unite in purchasing a small estate, where we may try the experiment to free the negroes, and use them only as tenants. Such an example as yours might render it a general practice; and, if we succeed in America, I will cheerfully devote a part of my time to render the method fashionable in the West Indies. If it be a wild scheme, I had rather be mad in this way, than to be thought wise in the other task."--Correspondence of the American Revolution,vol. iii, p. 547.

To this letter Washington replies, April 5th, 1783:

"The scheme, my dear Marquis, which you propose as a precedent to encourage the emancipation of the black people in this country from that state of bondage in which they are held, is a striking evidence of the benevolence of your heart. I shall be happy to join you in so laudable a work, but will defer going into a detail of the business till I have the pleasure of seeing you."--Sparks' Washington, vol. viii., p. 441, 415.

"Mount Vernon, 10th May, 1786.

"The benevolence of your heart, my dear Marquis, is so conspicuous upon all occasions, that I never wonder at any fresh proofs of it; but your late purchase of an estate in the colony of Cayenne, with a view of emancipating the slaves on it, is a generous and noble proof of your humanity. Would to God a like spirit might diffuse itself generally into the minds of the people of this country! but I despair of seeing it. Some petitions were presented to the Assembly, at its last session, for the abolition of slavery; but they could scarcely obtain a reading. To set the slaves afloat at once would, I really believe, be productive of much inconvenience and mischief, but by degrees it certainly might, and assuredly ought to be effected, and that, too, by legislative authority."

George Washington punished runaway black slaves:


1774: Washington said new British laws would make Americans "as tame and abject slaves as the blacks we rule over with such arbitrary sway."

Approx 1794: One of Washington’s slaves died: “I hope every necessary care and attention was afforded him. I expect little from (Overseer) McKoy, or indeed from most of his class, for they seem to consider a Negro much in the same light as they do the brute beasts on the farms, and often treat them as inhumanely.”

Unknown said...

To Yvonne Jackson:

Let me re-post:

Alexander Hamilton was born in and spent part of his childhood in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial British and partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire.

Where does this so called "blackness" come in?

His father was a Scotsman and his mother was English/French.

Alexander Hamilton's children and grandchildren were also white.

His children:

John Church Hamilton (August 22, 1792 − July 25, 1882) was the fourth son, fifth child of the founding father Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler.



Alexander Hamilton Jr.(May 16, 1786 - August 2, 1875)[1] was the third child and the second son of Alexander Hamilton. He graduated from Columbia University, several weeks after his father was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr in 1804. He was invited to be an apprentice attorney in Stephen Higginson's Boston law firm and later became a lawyer.

(He can be found on the 1860's, and 1870's U.S census)

William S. Hamilton William Stephen Hamilton (August 4, 1797 – October 9, 1850), a son of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, was a politician and miner who lived much of his life in the U.S. state of Illinois and territorial Wisconsin. Hamilton was born in New York, where he attended the United States Military Academy before he resigned and moved to Illinois in 1817. In Illinois he lived in Springfield and Peoria and eventually migrated to the lead-mining region of southern Wisconsin and established Hamilton's Diggings at present-day Wiota. Hamilton served in various political offices and as a commander in two Midwest Indian Wars. In 1849 he moved to California on the heels of the California Gold Rush. He died in Sacramento, most likely of cholera, in October 1850.



Schuyler Hamilton (July 22, 1822 – March 18, 1903) was an American soldier, a grandson of Alexander Hamilton.



Elizabeth Hamilton Cullum (February 9, 1831 - September 15, 1884)

Alexander Hamilton's Grandaughter. Married both Union Generals Henry Halleck and George W. Cullum.


Great-Grandson of Alexander Hamilton:

Alexander Hamilton (September 9, 1847 – June 3, 1928) was an Episcopal priest and great grandson of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.He was the rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Weston, Connecticut by 1893; St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Woodbury, Connecticut by 1915; and Christ Church in Westport, Connecticut until he retired in 1920. Hamilton was the chaplain for the Society of the Cincinnati and the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the Revolution. He was also a member of the Advisory Council for the Daughters of the Cincinnati.


You can also find these people on the U.S census.

Anonymous said...

Even if Cleopatra were partially Egyptian, which is possible (nobody knows who her mother was), it does not matter. Egyptians were not Black. Who they were exactly - we don't know, there is a controversy. Probably some of them have a significant fraction of Sub-Saharan Negroid blood. Probably they were similar to what Copts are now: they have dark skin similar to Arabs and Berbers, and it is likely they were like that when Arabs conquered them in the 7th century. To the north of Sahara, non-Black peoples have been living for ages. Even quite black Ethiopians (Amharic and Tigrigna) are genetically closer to and look visually pretty much like tanned Arabs, especially like their closest neighbors Yemeni. Ethiopians' resemblance to Sub-Saharan Black peoples is weaker both genetically and visually.

So Cleopatra might indeed have some Black blood: she might be half-Nubian, for example. But there is no evidence. It's more probably she had no Black blood, and if she was half-Egyptian, the probability of her blackness is even lower, as Egyptians were black neither by color nor by genes.

Anonymous said...

Wow... this is the saddest, most ill-conceived comment thread I've seen over the tiniest thing:
Guys, we are all adults here. There is no reason to make mountains out of mole-hills for this.

Was Alexander Hamilton black, mixed or white? Who really cares at the end of the day after all the good he's done.

The stuff on George Washington Carver? irrelevant to the point of the post that is about one of the founding fathers.

All of the facts and arguments that can pulled out here, is pointless at the end of the day because we all have different opinions on every matter INCLUDING ancestrial DNA, history and inventions/discoveries in time that we must all respect (Nope Wait).

Now, I will just be heading out to do my own research on these facts without bigotry, bashing on ones intelligence, hatred and all the nonsense I've seen in this thread.

- Makes me feel embarrassed to be a human being

Unknown said...

To Anonymous:

Cleopatra was not a native Egyptian nor was she African, and neither were her parents.

Ptolemaic dynasty:


Ptolemy XII Auletes - was an Egyptian king of Macedonian descent.


Cleopatra V of Egypt - Cleopatra may have been an illegitimate daughter of Ptolemy IX or the daughter of Ptolemy X Alexander I by his wives - Cleopatra Selene I or Berenice III. In some sources Cleopatra Tryphaena, wife of Ptolemy XII, is referred to as Cleopatra VI.

"Ptolemy I's father, was a Macedonian Greek royal family which ruled the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt during the Hellenistic period. Their rule lasted for 275 years, from 305 to 30 BC. They were the last dynasty of ancient Egypt.

Ptolemy, one of the seven somatophylakes (bodyguards) who served as Alexander the Great's generals and deputies, was appointed satrap of Egypt after Alexander's death in 323 BC. In 305 BC, he declared himself Ptolemy I, later known as Sōter "Saviour".

The Egyptians soon accepted the Ptolemies as the successors to the pharaohs of independent Egypt. Ptolemy's family ruled Egypt until the Roman conquest of 30 BC.

All the male rulers of the dynasty took the name Ptolemy. Ptolemaic queens regnant, some of whom were the sisters of their husbands, were usually called Cleopatra, Arsinoe or Berenice. The most famous member of the line was the last queen, Cleopatra VII, known for her role in the Roman political battles between Julius Caesar and Pompey, and later between Octavian and Mark Antony. Her apparent suicide at the conquest by Rome marked the end of Ptolemaic rule in Egypt."

Unknown said...

To Anonymous:

I care, and because race clearly matters. If it didn't, millions of Afro-revisionist nut jobs wouldn't be trying to claim every prominent historical figure or civilization as theirs.

They don't just claim Hamilton, it goes much farther than that. They've claimed Lincoln, Warren G. Harding, Jacqueline Kennedy, John Hanson, Roman emperors, Inca emperors, Aztecs, Mayans, Chinese, Huns, Mongolians, etc.

You name it, they've claimed it.

Alexander Hamilton was white, and so was every other Founding Father.

"Alexander Hamilton was born in and spent part of his childhood in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial British and partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire."

His father James A. Hamilton was a Scotsman and his mother Rachel Faucette was English/French.

Alexander Hamilton's children and grandchildren were also white. I've already provided the links and sources.

delicateflower said...

This is very interesting and, you're right, we'll probably never know for sure. You're right that Jesus is portrayed as white when he most likely resembled an Arab. However, you're wrong about Cleopatra. She was descended from one of Alexander the Great's generals. So, the family was originally Greek. Cleopatra's family continued to practice brother/sister marriages among the ruling family, so their Greek lineage would have been much less diluted.

Unknown said...

To delicateflower:

His father, James A. Hamilton was a Scotsman and his mother Rachel Faucette was English/French. The evidence is there right in front of your face.

It's like you people choose to be morons.

Alexander Hamilton's children and grandchildren were also white. I've already provided the links and sources.

His grandson Schuyler Hamilton (July 22, 1822 – March 18, 1903) shows a strong resemblance to his grandfather Alexander Hamilton.

Portrait of Alexander Hamilton by John Trumbull, 1806 - http://bit.ly/2gAw2jV

Alexander is in his late 40's in this portrait showing grayish brown hair, and his grandson Schuyler Hamilton is in his late 30' or early 40's in this photo taken between (1860 - 1865).

Schuyler Hamilton (1860 - 1865) - http://bit.ly/2fqpSps

They have the exact same features: nose, lips, eyebrows, hair, forehead, jawline, etc.

Unknown said...

Alexander Hamilton in his 20's:

Portrait of Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804), ca. 1780 - http://bit.ly/2gwPy3m

Caitie said...

As we don't know who Hamilton's father was with any certainty (paternity tests were still a ways into the future), there's no way we can say with certainty that he was or was not of any certain heritage. We do know that his mother was French, and we do know what Hamilton himself looked like. Other than the European features shown in his portraits, he's described as having red hair and blue-violet eyes. (Yes, the eyes thing makes him sound like a character in a bad anime fanfiction, but that's legitimately how his eyes were described at the time. Apparently, they were one of his best features.)

Also, as many have pointed out, Hamilton didn't exactly come from a place of privilege. He was an impoverished bastard whose family was mostly dead, and weren't of any political or social power. There's very, very little chance that he would have gotten anywhere if, on top of all of that, he had any African features. Maybe, maybe if he had a rich relative smoothing the way, Washington may have been persuaded to take a mixed-race boy on as his chief aide-de-camp, or allow him to lead a command, or invite him to the Constitutional Convention, or make him the first ever Secretary of the Treasury, etc. But, as things stand? Highly unlikely. This was a time in history when, disgusting as it was, the white man held all power over the "lesser" races. The cultural elite had a very hard time accepting a nobody bastard from the West Indies in as it was.

Most of the claims that he was of mixed race parentage came much later in his career, when his political enemies (of which he had many; Hamilton had a mouth on him, and wasn't afraid to let it loose) sought to smear him in any way possible. It was also rumored that he wanted to bring the English monarchy back to America, that he had a secret London bank account financed by the British crown, that he was embezzling government funds, etc. All false. Back then, all you needed was a printing press and the finances to use it, and you were good to go; there was no such thing as journalist integrity. You could print whatever you want, and the absolute worst thing that could happen is you'd be charged with slander (and that's only if you're foolish enough to print under your own name; Hamilton himself got away with quite a few nasty smear campaigns of his own by printing under a wide variety of pseudonyms).

Then, again, his political enemies also started a rumor that he was cheating on his wife with another married woman, and that little factoid turned out to be completely true. It's entirely possible that he did have some non-European blood. When you don't have DNA testing (and, especially, when you don't know for certain who your father is), anything's possible.

Unknown said...

To Caitie:

Oh, lord! Quit with the conspiracy theories.

With any certainty?

We know who his father is, his father was James A. Hamilton.

These conspiracy theories are beginning to annoy me.

You can say the same about Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Each and every one of these men were all accused of having black blood in them by racial purist.

Alexander Hamilton in his 20's:

Portrait of Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804), ca. 1780 - http://bit.ly/2gwPy3m

Complexion/image - http://bit.ly/2gB19Ov

Hair Color: Auburn-red

Eye Color: Violet-blue

Skin tone: Pale peaches and cream complexion

Height: 5'7''

Overall: Short, rosy, light-coloring, ginger

Thankfully, we have photo's of Abraham Lincoln because this is how idiotic racial purist described him:

"According to historian William E. Barton, a rumor "current in various forms in several sections of the South" was that Lincoln's biological father was Abraham Enloe, which Barton dismissed as "false". According to Doug Wead, Enloe publicly denied this connection to Lincoln but is reported to have privately confirmed it. Another claim was that Lincoln was "part Negro", but that was unproven. Mail received by Lincoln called him "a negro" and a "mulatto". Thomas Lincoln's "complexion was swarthy". According to Lincoln's law partner William H. Herndon, Lincoln had "very dark skin" although "his cheeks were leathery and saffron-colored" and "his face was sallow," and "his hair was dark, almost black". Abraham Lincoln described himself ca. 1838–'39 as "black" and his "complexion" in 1859 as "dark" but whether he meant either in an ancestral sense is unknown. The Charleston Mercury described him as being "of the dirtiest complexion".

You've got to be blind as a bat to believe Lincoln was a dark skinned man.

Lincoln in his late 30s as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Photo taken by one of Lincoln's law students around 1846. - http://bit.ly/2h0YRF8

Lincoln's father:

Thomas Lincoln - http://bit.ly/2h6JAa5

An on said...

Seeded, as in a garden??
JB has pointed out the dynamics that exist, and has raised an interesting observation.

Unknown said...

To An on:

You're being sarcastic, right? You've got to be extremely deluded thinking he's raised an interesting observation.

He's just another revisionist conspiracy theorist that claims everything was stolen from Africans. He of course provided absolutely no evidence to back this up.

Anonymous said...

The name Hamilton means "black" like Ham from the Old Testament. Hamilton was black like Prince Whipple, Benjamin Banneker, Black Sam Francis and they were all friends of George Washington. The name Washington is the most popular name for black Americans (95% of Washingtons are black) with Jefferson second. George is also a black man's name, hence all the black Pullman porters were called George. He was called a black bastard, creole and other names by his contemporaries and is among the many black founding fathers that racist like to forget, Peter Salem, John Hanson, Elijah Boudinot, Crispus Attucks, Jocko, are a few of the others who are ignored. The Confederations of States and the Constitution is a copy of the Iroquois Confederation and was written with the help of John Hanson and Benjamin Bennaker and the Lenape of whom Banneker was a member. They were indigenous black Americans who helped form the nation that would become The United States of America. Washington wrote in his diaries that one day whites would pay for betraying the very black (Indians) people who had helped them create the nation.

Unknown said...

Where's your evidence for any of the ridiculous drivel you just spewed? Could you provide these mythical Washington diaries? I'd love to see them. I've already debunked the John Hanson myth on here. Do I need to re-post it again for you? This myth has been debunked years ago, and was started by Dick Gregory(a conspiracy theorist).

He described himself as a white male and was described as a white male by the people around him.

Alexander Hamilton is on the 1790 & 1800 United States Census: Free White Male. This is very easy to look up on the census. It's not that hard, it's like you idiots intentionally choose to be stupid.

Alexander Hamilton in his 20's:

Portrait of Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804), ca. 1780 - http://bit.ly/2gwPy3m

Complexion/image - http://bit.ly/2gB19Ov

Hair Color: Auburn-red

Eye Color: Violet-blue

Skin tone: Pale peaches and cream complexion

Height: 5'7''

Overall: Short, rosy, light-coloring, ginger

Does that sound like a black man to you?

Ham does not mean "black". I swear you idiots love to claim everything meant "black". His name isn't "Ham" either it's Hamilton.


From a surname which was derived from Old English hamel "crooked, mutilated" and dun "hill". The surname was originally taken from the name of a town in Leicestershire, England (which no longer exists).

George is not a "black" name nor is Washington. Do you even know why so many black Americans are named after Washington?

"The story of how Washington became the “blackest name” begins with slavery and takes a sharp turn after the Civil War, when all blacks were allowed the dignity of a surname.

Even before Emancipation, many enslaved black people chose their own surnames to establish their identities. Afterward, some historians theorize, large numbers of blacks chose the name Washington in the process of asserting their freedom."


Yeah, insult's are not proof. These insult's aren't even credible, because there is no actual proof that anyone has actually said this.

They also accused Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Calvin Coolidge, Warren G. Harding, Dwight D. Eisenhower, etc of having black blood when they're clearly white. They did this solely to demonize and to discredit their opponents and that is it. What's your point? Did you really think that was proof?

Unknown said...

You're just naming random African American men who were actually described as black Africans during that time.

Peter Salem (1750-1816) was not a Founding Father. He was an African American who fought in the American Revolutionary war.

"Peter Salem was born about 1750 to a slave mother in Framingham, Massachusetts. His master was Jeremiah Belknap, who later sold him to Lawson Buckminster. When Buckminster became a major in the Continental Army, he gave Salem his freedom in 1775 so he could enlist in the patriot militia in what soon became the American Revolution."

Crispus Attucks was not a Founding Father:

"Crispus Attucks (c.1723—March 5, 1770) was the first person killed in the Boston massacre, in Boston, Massachusetts, and is widely considered to be the first American casualty in the American Revolutionary War."

Benjamin Bennaker(November 9, 1731 – October 9, 1806) had absolutely nothing to do with the U.S Constitution nor the Iroquois Confederation.

"A substantial mythology exaggerating Benjamin Banneker's accomplishments has developed during the two centuries that have elapsed since he lived (see Mythology and legacy of Benjamin Banneker#Mythology of Benjamin Banneker. Several such urban legends describe Banneker's alleged activities in the Washington, D.C. area around the time that he assisted Andrew Ellicott in the federal district boundary survey. Others involve his clock, his almanacs and his journals.

A United States postage stamp and the names of a number of recreational and cultural facilities, schools, streets and other facilities and institutions throughout the United States have commemorated Banneker's documented and mythical accomplishments throughout the years since he lived"

I can't seem to find anything on Benjamin Bennaker that connects him to the Iroquois Confederation. That's probably because you just completely made this up on the spot.


Elijah Boudinot? You mean Elias Boudinot? The white man?

"Elias Boudinot (May 2, 1740 – October 24, 1821) was a lawyer and statesman from Elizabeth, New Jersey who was a delegate to the Continental Congress (more accurately referred to as the Congress of the Confederation) and served as President of Congress from 1782 to 1783. He was elected as a U.S. Congressman for New Jersey following the American Revolutionary War. He was appointed by President George Washington as Director of the United States Mint, serving from 1795 until 1805.)

John Hanson(April 14 [O.S. April 3] 1721 – November 15, 1783)was white and I'll provide the source below.

Unknown said...

To Anonymous:


President John Hanson Myths Debunked:


The 19th century Liberian senator John Hanson (unknown-1860) who was black is often confused with the 18th century John Hanson (1721-1783) who was white.

The picture of the black man depicted by Innis is actually a daguerreotype of Liberian Senator John Hanson from Grand Bassa County who, in the 19th Century, championed the relocation of slaves to Liberia.

Liberian senator John Hanson:


Finally, camera photography of any sort, let alone a 19th Century Copper adorned daguerreotype was not invented in President Hanson’s lifetime which ended, according to the Maryland State Archivist, on November 15, 1783. Any photograph, therefore, of the former President in his lifetime is a physical impossibility.

The two dollar bill myth:

John Hanson was elected to the U.S. Continental Congress in 1779 but did not take his seat until 1780. He, therefore, was not present on August 2, 1776, when the delegates assembled at Independence Hall to sign the engrossed copy of the Declaration of Independence. Additionally, George Walton of Georgia -- the Declaration of Independence signer that Mr. Innis circles as the Moor John Hanson -- was a slave owner and not black. Moreover John Hanson's letters as President are filled with slave-owner content. For example, in February of 1782, he wrote home to his family regarding his business affairs that included, sadly, the sale of slaves:

I have not the least inclination to purchase Mr. Bowles's Hand. Sally I am persuaded will be very easy without him-if she wants to be sold I have no objection to let Mr. Bowles have her, at £100 (not less). Bond on Interest for the money will do. I observe Mr. Lee, Mr. Addison, and J Hanson, have advertised their Negroes for Sale. I was surprised at it. I did not know the motive, and wish their plan may Succeed.

Furthermore, after Hanson’s death in 1783 his will listed, among other possessions, 11 slaves as his personal property.

Unknown said...

To Anonymous:

Let me re-post:

Alexander Hamilton was born in and spent part of his childhood in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial British and partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire.

Where does this so called "blackness" come in?

His father was a Scotsman and his mother was English/French.

Alexander Hamilton's children and grandchildren were also white.

His children:

John Church Hamilton (August 22, 1792 − July 25, 1882) was the fourth son, fifth child of the founding father Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler.



Alexander Hamilton Jr.(May 16, 1786 - August 2, 1875)was the third child and the second son of Alexander Hamilton. He graduated from Columbia University, several weeks after his father was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr in 1804. He was invited to be an apprentice attorney in Stephen Higginson's Boston law firm and later became a lawyer.

(He can be found on the 1860's, and 1870's U.S census)

William S. Hamilton William Stephen Hamilton (August 4, 1797 – October 9, 1850), a son of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, was a politician and miner who lived much of his life in the U.S. state of Illinois and territorial Wisconsin. Hamilton was born in New York, where he attended the United States Military Academy before he resigned and moved to Illinois in 1817. In Illinois he lived in Springfield and Peoria and eventually migrated to the lead-mining region of southern Wisconsin and established Hamilton's Diggings at present-day Wiota. Hamilton served in various political offices and as a commander in two Midwest Indian Wars. In 1849 he moved to California on the heels of the California Gold Rush. He died in Sacramento, most likely of cholera, in October 1850.



Schuyler Hamilton (July 22, 1822 – March 18, 1903) was an American soldier, a grandson of Alexander Hamilton.



Elizabeth Hamilton Cullum (February 9, 1831 - September 15, 1884)

Alexander Hamilton's Grandaughter. Married both Union Generals Henry Halleck and George W. Cullum.


Great-Grandson of Alexander Hamilton:

Alexander Hamilton (September 9, 1847 – June 3, 1928) was an Episcopal priest and great grandson of Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.He was the rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Weston, Connecticut by 1893; St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Woodbury, Connecticut by 1915; and Christ Church in Westport, Connecticut until he retired in 1920. Hamilton was the chaplain for the Society of the Cincinnati and the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the Revolution. He was also a member of the Advisory Council for the Daughters of the Cincinnati.


You can also find these people on the U.S census.

Unknown said...

To Anonymous:

Samuel Fraunces? You mean the white man? I was wondering who "Sam Francis" was and it turns out you spelled his name wrong. Conspiracy theories don't prove that someone's black.

There were questions if Samuel had black ancestry because he was supposedly called "Black Sam" during the revolutionary war.

"According to his 1983 biographer, Kym S. Rice: "During the Revolutionary era, Fraunces was commonly referred to as 'Black Sam."

However, he was never described as black or African during his lifetime:

"As Rice writes in her Documentary History of Fraunces Tavern (1985): "Other than the appearance of the nickname, there are no known references where Fraunces was described as a black man" during his lifetime."

Portrait of Samuel Fraunces, unknown artist, circa 1770-1785, Fraunces Tavern Museum, New York City - http://bit.ly/2kEL4c6

This conspiracy theory didn't start until 1878 by some racial purist. Oh, no! They called him a nickname. I'm sorry to break this to you but that isn't proof of anything. It doesn't really matter too much though, black revisionist will still claim him as black.

Unknown said...

To Anonymous:

Samuel Fraunces:

Samuel Fraunces is identified in the 1790 U.S. Census as white:

"He is listed as a free, white male and the head of a household in Dock Ward, Manhattan, New York. The household includes 4 free, white women, likely his wife and 3 of their daughters. Source: Heads of Families, United States Census of 1790, New York (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of the Census, reprinted 1979), p. 117."

Samuel Fraunces is identified in the 1790 U.S. Census as a slaveholder:

One slave (no gender recorded) is listed in his household. Heads of Families, United States Census of 1790, New York (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of the Census, reprinted 1979), p. 117.

Samuel Fraunces had a history of slaveholding:

In The Royal Gazette (August 8, 1778) Fraunces advertises the auction of a 14-year-old male slave.

Samuel Fraunces belonged to organizations that didn't allow blacks:

Fraunces was a Freemason, which excluded blacks. He was a member of Trinity Church, where blacks could attend, but not become members. He was listed on the New York voter rolls (voting was restricted to white men of property).

I really don't know how or why people thought this man was black. If you actually do a background check on him it's easily debunked.


Unknown said...

Cleopatra was of the Ptolemaic dynasty which was started by Ptolemy one of Alexander the Great's Generals after his death. So she was of Macedonian/Greek ancestry. The Ptolemaic Pharoahs spoke Greek and they had a tradition of incest to "keep the blood line pure". So no Cleopatra was not African, she was of European ancestry. Kangs n shiet.

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Anonymous said...

Didn't read all of the comments, but in case it hasn't been mentioned. Cleopatra ruled Egypt, but was Greek.

IndyVal1 said...

I totally agree with EVERY single comment made here.There is no division created by Black History Month.The divisions in America go well beyond one month in a year where we take time to acknowlege a racial group that built America with it's sweat,blood and tears.The wealth of modern America has it's bloody roots in the terrible institution of slavery
Let's not be so quick to act like this isn't the case and trivialize the contributions made by African Americans to this country.

Unknown said...

To IndyVal1:

You agree with every single comment on here? Judging by what you said afterwards say's otherwise.

The people that built and designed this country with their own sweat, blood, and tears were primarily European (whites). Africans did not build nor design the majority of the infrastructure in the United States. The majority of the men who died and fought for this country were primarily white. That is because this country was originally founded as a white nation. The wealth of modern America has absolutely nothing to do with slavery. You must have forgotten about the Great Depression, Reconstruction era, etc. The United States became a world power between 1890 to 1945.

Thomas Jefferson - Declaration of Independence

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. - Thomas Jefferson

James Madison - United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. - James Madison.

Unknown said...

To Anonymous (Nov 16, 2017)

I don't know why these idiots keep spreading this misinformation.

Cleopatra's parents:


"Ptolemy XII Auletes was an Egyptian king of Macedonian descent."


"Cleopatra V may have been an illegitimate daughter of Ptolemy IX but more likely the daughter of Ptolemy X Alexander I by his wives – an unnamed first queen or Berenice III because there is little evidence for the former assumption. In some sources Cleopatra Tryphaena, wife of Ptolemy XII, is referred to as Cleopatra VI."

Cleopatra (Queen of Ptolemaic Kingdom) wasn't even a native Egyptian and you still have these idiots trying to claim her.

Sunny Petkovich said...
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Charles Din said...
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Unknown said...

I Maccabbees 3:48
Renassaince Whited Out
Hebrews ruled Europa 1,ooo years and were Celts, Vikings, Saxons, Iberians, Samurai Swordsmen, Habiru Shashu...

II Edras 13:40-45
Hebrews discovered Asareth ie Arzot haBrit ie Land of the Covenant aka Trutle🐢 Island, Tupac Amaru(ca) Amoorika even Atlantis...

Canaan/Phoenician (Sidonian)

Cindy Nancy said...
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Luis Root said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe that the Black descendants of Alexander Hamilton's maternal great-grandmother would differ greatly with this article. As a Black man who is a direct descendant of AH, I know recognize this incomplete research for hooey that it is.

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abidinmohd said...
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Unknown said...

To Jimmy Clipper:

You Black Hebrew Israelite's never cease to amaze me with your stupidity. The fact that you provided an Afro-revisionist site as a credible source say's everything about your intelligence. You just provided a source that claims Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Queen Victoria, and Karl Marx were black. I'm going to assume that you didn't read your source before linking it.

The Hebrews did not rule Europe for over a thousand years. The Celts, Saxons, Vikings, Iberians, and Japanese are not Hebrews. These are entirely different groups who have their own cultures, languages, and history. The Saxons were a Germanic tribe, Vikings were Scandinavian seafaring pirates, and Japanese samurai's were the military nobility and officer caste of medieval and early-modern Japan. In Japanese, they are usually referred to as bushi or buke.

Saxons - "The Saxons were a Germanic people whose name was given in the early Middle Ages to a large country near the North Sea coast of what is now Germany. Earlier, in the late Roman Empire, the name was used to refer to Germanic inhabitants of what is now England, and also as a word something like the later "Viking", as a term for raiders and pirates."

Vikings - any of the Scandinavian seafaring pirates and traders who raided and settled in many parts of northwestern Europe in the 8th–11th centuries.

Japanese samurai - Samurai were the military nobility and officer caste of medieval and early-modern Japan. In Japanese, they are usually referred to as bushi or buke.

I'd like to make a quick response to anonymous from Jan 25, 2018:

If you're going to lie at least make it sound believable. We know you're not related to Hamilton as he has no black descendants.

Unknown said...

I find these conversations bizarre a persons colour should be based on their appearance after all it is colour we are talking about and that is a visual concept. What I mean by this is if a man of colour has a couple of white descendants we don't say he is a white man, he has white blood in him, even though he is obviously a man of colour. So why do the revisionists do this, if a person has 1 of their 8 grandparents as a person of colour yet the individual is white skin and fair hair they try to claim there is black blood in their ancestry that makes them black. Absolute nonsense, black people don't claim to be white so why the need to claim white people are black. Facile in the extreme.

Unknown said...

One word "Irony"
Sorry two "Irony cretin"

eric said...
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Abdul Muqse said...
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patrice eric said...
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Anonymous said...
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Christopher robart said...
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Anonymous said...

Everyone who comment that Alexander Hamilton was not in any way, shape, or for, a person of color, tends to ignore that Placage ("legal" extramarital relationships) were a major part of colonialism, and having children by a woman of color was pretty much the norm -- and European women did not migrate to the Americas en masse until well after the Revolutionary War.


Hamilton's mother, Rachel Fawcett Lavain, was born on the island of Nevis, West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock and raised in Nevis the West Indies.

The surest proof that Alexander Hamilton was of African ancestry was that Alexander's older brother, James, by the same mother and father, was of dark complexion with dark hair. James Hamilton, Jr. migrated to the United States and was treated like a Negro once being refused a seat on a Broadway coach because of his color.

Alexander Hamilton's papers of ancestry were burned after his death in order to hide his alleged African strain.

The real truth regarding Hamilton's ancestry can be found in the earliest and least known portrait of him drawn from life by Peale which reflects Hamilton's skin color, nose, and wooly hair. The portraits that we know today have been caucasianized revealing Hamilton with a more European nose, thinner lips, light complexion, and straight hair.

Which leads to only one conclusion given the 'One-drop' Rule.

Hamilton story reminds me of the mulatto Queen Charlotte of England, the great great great grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II

Diana Guzman loans said...
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Abdul Muqse said...
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Dana Glover said...
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Marie Carmen said...
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aryanoone said...
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PAIGE said...
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Ahmed Mustapha said...
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Ahmed Mustapha said...
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unknow said...
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Miracle Ben said...
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alex morgan said...
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martins said...
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Mario Ruehi said...
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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...
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Girlhowdy said...

For the record, Alexander Hamilton WAS NOT BLACK. His mother (Rachel Faucette) was a married woman of half-British and half-French Huguenot descent, and his father (James A. Hamilton) was a Scotsman who was the fourth son of Laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire. Anyone with any knowledge of the history of the West Indies knows fully well that a considerably large percentage of the then population of the West Indies was made up of WHITE EUROPEANS, of which Alexander Hamilton's mother was one.

Unknown said...
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Dr. Bradley Louis said...
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Unknown said...

Most of you had better do your research better instead of trying to blackwash history,most of you don't even know that over a million white slaves were taken by african/arab long before Europeans started buying them off other Africans and Arabs and taking them to America, I don't hear them complaining about slavery, but I suppose that don't suit your narative

Anonymous 1 said...

Same can be said about the whitewashed picture of jesus. If his color doesn't matter then why not paint him as he's described in the bible?

Unknown said...

I have but one comment too offer regarding the interpretation of OUR HISTORY, yes the color of my skin may be the lack of color, yet, I am still like all others. I am of the race best known for both it amazing advancements in all forms of the Sciences, and yet some the most horrific crimes against our own, so who am l and for what Race do I clam tobe a member of, why it’s the HUMAN RACE, and this is who I register as.
Now, let us observe that NASTY WORD we call History, we’ve all Heard that old saying “History is one dame thing after another, and frankly there’s some truth to a bygone of speech, and just why is this?
Well, for the majority of people history if read from only ONE BOOK, ONE SOURCE is nothing more than one mans/one persons interpretation of event’s having taken place, and for the most part much later than the event for which it was written. For anyone too go present a rhetorical statement of any worth regarding almost every event in history, one must do the following, please should you wish to profess anything about our favorite subject History.
Keeping in mind that there’s more than one type of history, if you’d not taken part or witnessed the event, which would be historical recording in first person and everything else is nothing more than ones interpretation of what’s perceived to have taken place. The first person written record of an event they witnessed is only a record from the side on which they looked upon the actions of the event. So what about those on the other side of the very same event at precisely that same moment in time, what did they experience, what took place from were they looked upon the prospective of the same what that person on the other side saw taking place. My point is establish the need for anyone to under history, you need too reference more than one book, one source or even more than just one o person, remembering they’re just that ONE point into the record of every form of recorded history.

So in closing, when we look at each other’s recollections of history we’re all correct from our own presumption of history without the “The Rest of the Story,” hopefully my words bring about an understanding of that hated subject called history. Oh, am I racist? Absolutely NO! And having spent years serving in the Army, having the fortunate experience to learn from one another and to instill the need for educating all the need to look and listen to each other, to try and understand their past experiences, dreams and how to form a real impression of how to make those dreams become reality.
Now! On too the other question and that being am I prejudice, honestly, yes! I am prejudice, I don’t like Racism, or any kind of Racist value against anyone of a differing color of skin any person may be born with, period!
If you’ve taken time to read this heartfelt word of personal values, Thank you and Take care, Steve

Hes my passion said...

Almost every race has been enslaved at some point.

Hes my passion said...

Do your DNA👀

Unknown said...

Hello. Great article.

Unknown said...

Hello. Great article.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Dawn said...
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Anonymous said...

Some of the comments on here are so horrible, disappointing and sad. We need to respect each other and not call names or say cruel things when someone says things we don't like.

I came across this article from an internet search about whether Hamilton was white because I was curious. We see paintings of him as white, but because he was from the Caribbean, I figured there was a chance he wasn't.

Being a human is hard and our history is often messy and disgraceful. Some peoples have faced more discrimination than others. We just need to remember to take everyone's point of view into account and try to understand where that person is coming from. And this. is. hard. Especially if that person is being racist or disrespectful, etc. But it's the only way to understand each other.

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments on here are so horrible, disappointing and sad. We need to respect each other and not call names or say cruel things when someone says things we don't like.

I came across this article from an internet search about whether Hamilton was white because I was curious. We see paintings of him as white, but because he was from the Caribbean, I figured there was a chance he wasn't.

Being a human is hard and our history is often messy and disgraceful. Some peoples have faced more discrimination than others. We just need to remember to take everyone's point of view into account and try to understand where that person is coming from. And this. is. hard. Especially if that person is being racist or disrespectful, etc. But it's the only way to understand each other.

Unknown said...

Robin. My name is Bryan Jenks. My Father Randolph Jenks mother is Julia Swan Jenks, Swan name then Hamilton. My grandma Said at her death that Rachel Faucet Buck was a black woman. (She never wanted anyone to know why she was alive.)


Unknown said...

@unknown There is clear difference between the islamic slave trade and the Holy Roman empire slave trade as there is clear difference between whites coming out of slavery with stolen aborigine land and the African and Aboriginal being in perpetual slavery starting as cattle to chains of law and legislation. ..nah they don't want to talk about that!

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Unknown said...

God will sort it all out in the end after all we are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image and likeness

Anonymous said...

Racism isn't genetic, it's learned. So if you are constantly surrounded growing up to be racist with no opposing views, you're racist. Bigotry can be unlearn in childhood. I was homophobic, went to public school, and learned I was wrong through friends. It's hard though in adulthood, especially if negative interactions have occurred.

Anonymous said...

I know right! Everyone things he's white when in regulation it legit says that "his skin was like burnished bronze" a literal skin tone of darker skinned people!